
1 year or longer banders (lap/realize)

on 2/20/11 7:31 am - NJ
Hi all,

It's me again with the questions about band surgery. I'm still deciding on getting the surgery, but I feel a lot what's stopping me is my fears of unknown. I understand even when I post questions and you answer at the end of the day every body's body is different and what one person experienced whether it be good or bad the other may not. I would like insight on how people are doing with the band after a year and so on.

I'm looking for the ones who've had the band for years and how they feel now since their surgery. Is it a regret? Is it the best thing that happened to ya? Any medical problems occured that may not have been there? Any medical problems that were there that aren't now because of the weight loss ? In other the words the pros's and con's to the surgery and how the body is responding to the band years later. If there are any people out there who had this for type if WLS and it's been years ago please give me your insight.
I know there are a few like Tom, and Bette B (hi Bette-smile-love ya), but if there are anymore please let me know. I've been checking on you-tube as well (a lot of good info on there if anyone is researching like me). 
 the pose
on 2/20/11 11:58 pm - MI
I have had my Realize band for 18 months. I have had NO bad experieces. I eat most anything (I don't eat untoasted bread or rice). My blood pressure and sugar levels are normal. I can do things without getting winded (mow the lawn, snow plow the driveway, go up/down the stairs, exercise, etc.). My weight loss is slow but I didn't get overweight over night so I don't expect to get thin overnight.

I had this surgery to get healthy...if thin comes with that then BONUS! But being healthy is my goal. If I don't lose anymore weight I know that I will live longer than if I had not had this surgery. I am/was aware of the potential risks before I had this surgery and know that in the future there is still the possiblity that I may have complications. But, until that happens I am not going to spend my days dwelling on something that my not happen. I try to stay possitive and follow the rules to protect my band.

Best of luck to you, I hope you have as smooth a ride as I have had!
MaMa M

on 2/24/11 8:59 am - NJ
Hi Ma Ma,

So since you've gotten the realize band you haven't experienced any problems, that's good to hear, Were you a diabetic and did you have high blood pressure? What weight did you start at? I want to get healthy to and l want to be thinner too (smile). If you don't see any complications now stay optimistical for the future. I believe in self fulling prophecies so that's why I say that.

on 2/25/11 3:36 am - MI
I had been on blood pressure meds for many years and I was boarderline diabetic. My starting weight was 268 lbs. I had tried every diet on the market and was successful in losing 60 lbs on weigh****chers but within a year or so of going off I gained 40 of the lbs back. I was a volume eatter, I felt hungry ALL the time. The commericals about taming the lion was what made me look into Realize band. I have 3 family members who have had RNY and I knew that was not a surgery I was interested in...I have seen the health issues caused by their surgery and knew that what they are experiencing is far worse than what I was going through being over weight!
MaMa M

on 2/23/11 1:23 am - Germantown, TN
My 2 year anniversary is coming up on 3/31.  This was the absolute BEST decision I have ever made!!  I feel the best I ever have!!

I LOVE shopping again and looking at pictures of myself! Wow, I spent a lot of years not getting my picture taken!!

I still have the same medical problems (Infertility, Anxiety, and Sleep Apnea).  The sleep Apnea is much better then it was, but it is something I think I have always had. I have to use a Cpap about 1-2 times per week.

The hardest part for me is keeping my head straight.  I still fight the emotional eating, but thankfully my tool (band) works and controls that for me whether I want it to or not!!

Good Luck!! If I can do it anyone can!!
Cathlena - 39, 4'11"   Start - 210  3/31/09    BMI  Start: 42.4    
 LilySlim - (OdX3)
on 2/24/11 9:06 am - NJ
Hi Tooty,

You look good and I certainly understand the photo thing I hate getting my picture taken. I don't mean to offend you and you don't have to answer the question, but how come the medical problems stayed after you lost the weight. See that's the part I need regarding the band and keeping the head on straight.


congrats tooty
on 2/24/11 9:20 pm, edited 2/24/11 9:22 pm - Germantown, TN
I don't mind you asking at all.

The Sleep Apnea I believe I have had all my life, even before I gained weight.  The extra weight did add to me being even more tired and crabby.  I didn't know I had it until my lap band surgeon told me to get a sleep study.  I was amazed that they said it was severe sleep apnea and that I stopped breathing approx. 55 times per hour!!  So it was a definite life saver for me!! 
Now, I only have to use it about 1-2 times per week, so the weight loss did help, but I still need it.

My infertility is caused by PCOS.  PCOS is different for each woman.  Some have a lot of hair and can still get pregnant (I have a friend like this).  I, on the other hand, can't seem to ovulate, even with fertility drugs.  I just have "duds" for ovary's. ;o)

I did have high blood pressure/choloestrol which is now gone - YAY!!

Depression/Anxiety, - is something else I have always had - i't just a chemical imbalance and I will need to take meds everyday for it.  They have turned my life around as well!

So, for most people you will have symptoms that normalize.   But it just depends on you and your conditions I guess.

Good Luck!!
Cathlena - 39, 4'11"   Start - 210  3/31/09    BMI  Start: 42.4    
 LilySlim - (OdX3)
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